Saturday Morning Glory ~Day 8

Every Saturday morning it's always the same. 

Up bright and early to the sound of creaking doors and flushing toilets while a small, messy haired frame plops down on the bed, curls up in a ball and asks me to scratch his back.

This life.

Something to awaken to.

That's why night dawns and sun rises all for us to see all the glorious graces that keep coming, bringing  us closer and closer to the holy.

From scratching the back, to pancakes from scratch ingredients are muddled and whisked and twirled and tossed, finally to be served stemming and heaping with a side of sticky syrup.

Eager looks of glee and impatient prodding are no more.

Silence enters the home while little boys stuff hungry bellies with thick slices of soggy breading and I sip warm mouthfuls of coffee slowly and just revel in the silence though short lived.

This is home.

And your home will never be the home over the hill or the home you wish it to be, but it will be the home that you have, the home that you make it to be, yours.
God can fill any space. 

No matter how little or large. 

God doesn't measure the structure of your surface, but the inside of your heart.

Awake to knowing that home is not about "what" you have but "who you have."

With each breath we are blessed.
How we spend each one is up to us.

Link to Pancake Recipe, Enjoy!


Winding up the first week and thankful for all you followers, journeying with me.

Reviewing this write31days Awake to the Day series:

Day 2). Awake to the presence of the Father by trying and setting those clocks back.
Day 3). Mood defines motivation and motivation measures how we awake. 
Day 4). Set the clock backs and rekindle the flame and open the Word and know that these words are written by love from God to you.
Day 5). Stand steadfast on His truths and promises in whatever the day brings.
Day 6). Awake to Pray, our love language of speaking to God.
Day 7). Taming the tongue to speak life.

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