How Slowing Sees the Sacred

{This post is part of the five minute friday with Kate MotaungA community of writers who write for five minutes on the word of choice. Today's word: slow.}

They always seem to run rampant.

Through the house at the earliest of hours once those tiny toes hit the floor and the sun has peeked its softest light, it's all a rush.

And I, I wonder what all the excitement is all about. 

How they can get up each morning after morning never slow and always with a momentum that gains as the hours tick and the suns fade even though the days can seem the same.

To begin each day on fire is to live each breath as blessed. 

They rush until the hand is grabbed and they wish to be stilled with you and you wish only for them to once again rush, maybe rush right away.

But I've learned to slow.
Maybe it's only in the slowness that we can see the sacred.

I watch him come home from working with wood his gauntly arms limp at his sides, his face rugged and worn from early morning rises and hard labor and little time to shut the eyes and to dream.

He's grateful for the slow.

Huddled over his bowl of steaming beans, he slurps and dips his toasted bread into the flavorless juices and smiles, content. 

He disappears and I find him later with head bent back, eyes closed, seated against the couch while children rush and he slows and I dare to question it.

Life moves past fast.

Slow to see the moments for what they really are, sacred.
Slow to see the gift in the still.

And when we do it's worth it all.

For what is to be will be and what God has planned will stand and nothing will hold it back not even the slow.


  1. ah the pictures you put in my brain... Thank you. :)

    1. Annette, thank you for visiting. I'm glad you enjoyed the pictures!

  2. I love this, Bonnie..."Maybe it's only in the slowness that we can see the sacred."

    That's so true. Being slowed by circumstance has given me so much, and while it would nice to be healthy again, I would not want to trade away the perspective I've gained.

    1. Thank you, Andrew. Your courage and strength is such a testamont to the glory and strength of God. Honor to have you stop by!

  3. This was a joy to read. I liked this thought "gifts in the still"

    1. Thank you, Somer. There are so many gifts out there in the still..I need to really look for those still gifts.

  4. Bonnie, what a beautiful post. I think you're spot on. We have to slow to see the sacred. We have to choose to be in each moment, not rushing past. And we have to be looking. You've given me more to think about for my One Word (Intentional). Thank you.

    1. Hi Jeanne. Yes, each moment we choose to be rushing or slowing yet always looking, very true. Thank you for stopping by.

  5. There is something about the slow and sacred rhythms of grace :).

    1. Thank you! I completely agree..the slow shows us the sacred graces!

  6. Thank you, Tara! Have a great week!
